Tuesday 4 May 2010


This is the video that is on my website, I used both still pictures and I got some film which I recorded and edited myself. I have used the software that comes with the computor the Windows moviemaker to produce my video. I have used both still and moving becuase I think the contrast to the consumer from moving to the still so makes it more eye catching. I have added writing with in the video becuase it think that me explaining what the website was about makes every consumer understand what the website is about. I believe my video represents all the types of animal and that they deserve a kind and caring home.

That was my first video I did I got feedback from my friends on it and they told me I had to have the pictures showing for longer now they show for 3 seconds. Also they told me that I spelt calmer wrong so I changed it and improved it so that it looks better.

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