Friday 30 April 2010

Final website & draft designs

Construction of my website
I used web plus 10 to design my website this is a software that can help you make websites, I designed my own navigation bar by using photoshop this is where i was able to distort my the writing so when you hover over it it will look like the writing is highlighted.

This is my navigation bar I constructed it with Photoshop, and then did a copy which can make it flash.

i used photoshop to cut my photos to make them more appealing to the reader and also it makes the picture look better. I used all shapes circles, rectangle, oval and pentagon.

I made my logo easily out of shapes on photoshop then I simply added the writing to the shapes and coloured it in. i had to simpify the layer so i could change the colour of the shape.

This is my basic design of te website I usd photoshop to produce the curve in the orange shape to make it look more effective and it sort of breaks the conventions of a website.

Next i added on the paws down the right hand side to represent that it is about animals and to make the website stand out more.

Draft designs
My website has changed from the original designs because i got new ideas and changed it as I was working like the layout of the website and the format.

This is my homepage of my website;

This is my home page on this page i have two original images and a video clip which i made, i tried to have the video look better but due to the programme I was unnable to do so.

My donation page;

On my donation page I have four orginal images and i also have a hyperlink on to another page for more information.

Our work in action page

On this page I have two orginal imaes and I have used my own writing to make two stories about the animals and what happened to them.

About the animals page

On here I have five hyperlinks to other pages and I also have one orginal image on this page. On all the pages i have a working navigation bar where i link up with going to ther pages i used the heading of the name as the anchor for each page.

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